
How is Commerce Supposed to Work?
- Commerce rules are set by law (Congress)
- The vast majority of transactions rely on trust
- If you have a problem, you can "call the police"
- Law enforcement
protects large and small interests fairly
- Why should a "digital" transaction be any different?
In normal commerce trust between the parties is the default means of ensuring
compliance with law. With the implementation of "trusted computing" and other physical means of controlling access to
information, the ultimate question here is rather whether the flow of information between two people should be controlled
by a third party by force as the default or, in the more constructive alternative, by the parties themselves
taking their own responsibility. Aside from the obvious slippery slope associated with the Government interfering with
the flow of information in and out of the minds of its citizens, the plain common sense conclusion is that people are simply not
going to put up with it. Such control mechanisms will inevitably lead to a technical, legal, economic, and
political arms race that can never be won against freedom and fun-loving Americans.
